The Exodus & Agriculture Experience

THE "EXODUS” 2022 12 DAYS EGYPT & ISRAEL 21st June – 02nd July Biblical & Spiritual Enrichment

Also Visiting the
International Exhibition of Agriculture Convention Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel
One life time experience in the HOLYLAND

"Fresh AgroMashov" 2018 is expected to double the number of presenting companies and visitors. This year the focus of the leading market players is marketing of fresh agricultural produce.The increasing quality of life in Eastern Europe and the Far East offers fascinating new marketing opportunities and channels for growers and marketers of fresh produce worldwide. The exhibition for marketing of fresh produce -Fresh AgroMasov – is one of the pivotal international meetings in the world of dynamic trade in agriculture.

The exhibition's secret of success, among the presenters and visitors, lies in its location at the meeting point of the three continents: Asia, Europe and Africa. This major international exhibition of fresh agriculture produce will take place at the Israel Fairs & Conventions Center, Tel-Aviv, 26-27th June 2018

FLIGHT FROM MOMBASA/NAIROBI TO CAIRO 16.30 PM (Arrive to Cairo 01.30 AM ).

Welcome to Egypt, "Free Holiday Limited" tour representatives will welcome you at Cairo International Airport and take you through the immigration and customs process. after which they escort you to the Hotel for check-in. In the morning after breakfast we spend the rest of the day touring Cairo. We visit the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx. Back to the hotel for dinner. (Arrive to Cairo 01.30 AM ). (Overnight in Cairo).

Today we start our journey towards the Holy land after breakfast and check out from the hotel. We proceed to the Old section of Cairo were we visit the a Jewish synagogue, built on the site where Moses was found in the basket, the hanging church of AL MUALLAQA which was built in the 4th century over Southern Gate of the Fortress of Babylon. This church was dedicated to Virgin Mary and its treasures include a 14th century wall painting of the Nativity. A visit to St.Sergius (ABU SERGA) , a 5th Century Basilica built over crypt where the Holy Family is believed to have stayed during their exile into Egypt takes you a step deeper into the realization of the truth about the Messiah.. Drive to Taba for overnight. (overnight Taba ).

In the morning after breakfast Transfer to the border town of Taba and cross over to Eilat into Israel." the desert and the parched land will be glad ; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom…" Isaiah 35 : 1-2
Shalom and welcome home. Welcome to the land of Canaan, to the promised land, to the land of milk and honey, to the land of the prophets, to the holy land, to the land of our Lord Jesus Christ and welcome to the state of Israel which was established in the 14 of may 1948. Your Israeli guide, a representative of "Free Holiday Limited" will meet and assist you upon arrival. After crossing the port city of Eilat- the most southern point of the state of Israel to the Red Sea- we will Proceed to Kibbutz Yotvata one of the most successful kibbutz in Israel. Here you can see how ideology, perfect organization, hard work and faith can turn the desert to a fertile land. Not forgetting a taste of the famous chocolate milk of Yotvata. Afterwhich we continue North to the Dead Sea; the lowest point on earth. You will have time to float in these unique mineral enriched waters. From here we drive to Overnight in Jerusalem.

"Our feet are standing in your gates, O Jerusalem…" Psalm 122: 2
After Breakfast at the Hotel, we will first visit the church of Ascension, one of the most ancient churches of the world. Here we can see Jesus' footprint. Our next stop will be the Pater Noster, where Jesus taught his disciples what would happen in the end of the days and also the Lord’s Prayer. We then continue to the spectacular panoramic view of Jerusalem from the summit of the Mount of Olives,"…his feet will stand on Mount of olives …" Zechriah 14 : 4 we head off to follow the footsteps of Jesus in his triumphant entry into the Holy City. We walk through the Palm Sunday road, and visit the church of Dominus Flevit, " as he approached Jerusalem and saw the city he wept over it …" Luke 19 :41 the point from which he prophesised of the destruction of the city and of the Temple. We shall continue to Gethsemane,"they went to a place called Gethsemane…" Mark 14:32 where Jesus was arrested. On to the Western Wall, which is considered the holiest site for the Jewish faith, we are able to put our notes of wishes in the cracks of the wall.
Continuing to the Mount of Zion,we visit the Upper room where Jesus had the last supper with his disciples,"… He will show you a large upper room…" Luke 22:12 where the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus' disciples in tongues of fire during the Pentecost feast. We shall visit King Davids tomb and go down to Caphis House" They took Jesus to the high priest …" Mark 14:53 where Peter denied Jesus three times, and where Jesus spent his last night in the pit before his crucifixion.
On our way to Bethlehem," so Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea , to Bethlehem the town of David…" Luke 2: 4 the place of the birth of Jesus, we will pass through the Hinum Valley where Judas hung himself. We will have lunch in Bethlehem, and then visit the church of Nativity, including visitng the grotto where Jesus was born."she wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger , because there was no room for them in the inn…" Luke 2 :7 After which we will head to Shepherds Fields, " and there were shepherds living out in the fields near by …" Luke 2:8 where the glory of God shone around them just before the birth of Jesus. If time permits we drive to Mount Moraiah. (Overnight in Jerusalem/ Bethlehem).

After breakfast We will proceed to Jerusalem to countinue our day behind the walls of the Old City, in the pools of Beit Hesda," now there is in Jerusalem near the sheep gate a pool which is… called Bethesda…" where Jesus performed one of his miracles, and which is also the place of birth of Mary. We will follow the path of Jesus on his last way with the cross, the fourteen stations of the cross(Via Delorosa). We will visit the pavement and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre where the last five stations are situated. After a lunch break in the old city, and free time in the Oriental Bazaar,(old City market), and if time permits we visit St Johns Church, the birth place of John the Baptist. We will have a tour and a communion in the Garden Tomb. (Overnight in Jerusalem/ Bethlehem).

We will depart from Jerusalem to Old City of Jaffa, Jaffa is an ancient seaport mentioned in the biblical narrative of Jonah; where he tried to flee from God, and the whale that was commanded by God and in the story of Solomon's import of the cedars of Lebanon. Jaffa's fishing port, St. Peter's Church, artist's quarter; Visitor Center and panoramic view of Tel Aviv are all highlights. Jaffa is one of the ancient gateways to the Holy Land: Through its port, the Cedar trees for Solomon's Temple were brought.
Christianity began to be spread among the nations from Jaffa after persecution became so intense. Here St. Peter lived in the house of Simon the Tanner and had the "Vision of the Flesh",and here he made his first miracle by healing the little girl. We will walk through the area known as the White City to see the preservation of buildings of Bauhaus architecture of the 1920s and 1930s, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and stop at Independence Hall, where Ben-Gurion declared independence in 1948. Jaffa attracts many historical and cultural tourists and artists. From there we will drive to Caesarea Maritima, the magnificent port-city built by King Herod the Great. In Caesarea we will get a view of a well-preserved theater where an inscription of the Pontius Pilate was found.We then drive to Haifa and Mt.Carmel where we will get candid explanation of the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baa`l. We will get the chance to take pictures near the monastery of Stella Mares.
We will visit Cana, where Jesus performed his first miracle of turning water to wine and infact began his public activity. We will go to Nazareth, visiting Marys well, the church of Annunciation" which was considered the home of Mary, where the angel announced to her that she would become pregnant(Luke chapter 2). We then continue to Mount Precipice. "…and took him to the brow of the hill on which the town was built in order to to throw him down the cliff …" Luke 4:29 Overnight in Nazareth/ Tiberius

After early breakfast and drive to visit the places where Jesus performed most of His miracles; around the Sea of Galilee: Capernaum, " leaving Nazareth, he went and lived in Capernaum , which was by the lake …" with Peter’s House and the famous Synagogue, enjoy the view from Mt. of the Beatitudes where the "Sermon on the Mount" was given (Matthew 5-7), and the reconstructed church in Tabgha, where Jesus performed the miracle of multiplying of The Bread and The Fish. We will have a short lunch break at a local restaurant. After lunch we jump onboard a boat similar to the one Jesus and His disciples used and sail on Sea of Galilee. We visit the Baptismal Site, at the Holy River Jordan. Here you can renew your Baptism in exactly the same place where Jesus was baptized. (Overnight Nazareth/ Tiberius)

We leave Nazareth, Southbound, passing the Jordan Valley and visiting Jericho, one of the most ancient cities in the world, the first city that was conquered by Joshua and the children of Israel. We shall stop to the Sycamore fig tree on which Zakaos the tax collector climbed. We will see the Mount of Temptation where Jesus was tempted by the devil. We will visit the site of "Caser El Yahoud" the crossing point of the children of Israel when they entered to the promised land. We continue crossing the Jordan Valley to the most Southern border of Israel, Taba where we shall cross into Egypt. (Overnight St. Catherine)

This day we leave the hotel around the first hour of the morning without breakfast to St. Catherine at the base of the Mt.Sinai. We start the mountain climbing immediately on arrival from St. Catherine from where it’s believed Moses climbed the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments. In the same area, there is the famous Greek Orthodox Monastery which is built around the Burning Bush; where God called on Moses, and the well where Moses met his wife Zebura -daughter of Jethro, the priest of Median. We will also visit the place where the Israelites camped when Moses went to receive the Ten Commandments. Here you will be allowed to have some quiet moment and meditation and stroll around the mountain. Later we return to the Hotel for a short rest, breakfast and check-out. Drive towards one of the famous and largest man-made canal; Suez Canal that demarcates the continents of Africa and Asia. We drive through the Springs of Moses where Moses hit the rock and twelve water springs appeared. We will then continue to the Desert of Sin where the children of Israel received Manna and Quails from Heaven. Also visiblealong the way are the seventy-two palm trees. We make another stop at Rephidim where the Israelites fought the Amalekites. During this battle, whenever Moses put his arms down, the Israelites were defeated by their enemies and whenever he put his arms up, the Israelites were winning- The servants of the LORD, Aaron and Hur held Moses' arms up until they overcame their enemies. Later we proceed to Overnight in Cairo.

Take breakfast in the morning and have free time for shopping until 12.00. We will then visit the famous Egyptian Museum before pick up to Cairo international airport


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